Powers of Attorney
Powers of Attorney: Not as Simple As You Might Think Your buyer will be out of the country when closing occurs; your buyer is in a nursing home and getting signatures is difficult; your buyer is now mentally...
Permit Me
Permit Me As real estate professionals, we have all had a transaction or two that have been affected by permit-related issues. Whether it was an open permit, an expired permit, a failed inspection, or unpermitted work,...
Transferring Real Property to LLCs in Florida Overrated? “You own a residential property? You should put it in an LLC in case of a ‘slip and fall’”. Does this sound familiar? It is a very common conversation amongst...
“On or Before”
“On or Before” Closings, Is there a Benefit? It’s a popular phrase, but one common misconception regarding the use of the words "on or before" is that these words alone somehow provide either party to the transaction...
More Red Tape
Spoiler Alert: More Red Tape!! Just a few short months ago settlement agents in Florida became obligated by the Florida government to obtain an affidavit from each and every Buyer we work with attesting to the fact...
Lady Bird Deeds
Lady Bird deeds (or what more formally are known as enhanced life estate deeds), are now approved for use in the state of Florida. Several other states as well have approved use of this type of deed. In order to...
Inspection Period
Let’s “Inspect” Some Contract Clauses Understanding the distinction between the Inspection Period clauses of the two most commonly used contracts (i.e. the FAR-BAR “As Is” and “Standard” Contracts) is vital to your...
I Could Be Liable for What
Most of us in the real estate business know the standard in Florida: “where the seller of a home knows of facts materially affecting the value of a property which are not readily observable and are not known to the...
Homestead Exemption Trap to Avoid
For those of you who already have the homestead tax exemption on your primary Florida residence, you may have recently received a yearly receipt card for the exemption renewal. As a reminder, the renewal card provides,...
Understanding Florida Homestead Law Florida's homestead law is a cornerstone of homeowner protection, offering significant benefits and safeguards. If you're a new homeowner or looking to reduce your property tax...